It seems like Priyanka Chopra is the hot favourite among students when it comes to doing school presentations and assignments.
A 12-year-old girl has chronicled the life of the beautiful Quantico star in her 15-minute presentation at school, and none other than the actress herself has tweeted about it!
A YouTube video shows Priya Shah, who studies in the seventh-grade of Orchid Lake Middle School in Detroit talking about the inspiring life the actress has led, making not just the actress but the rest of her fans proud too.
Shah starts with Chopra’s early years, her education and how she shifted base to the US for completing high school, winning the coveted title of the Miss World, to becoming the heartthrob of the Bollywood film industry and smoothly swaying her way to Hollywood too.
The girl even quoted some of the 34-year-old actress’ memorable movie dialogues to the class. Chopra showed her happiness on being chosen as Shah’s project topic with a humble tweet.
She wrote: “Priya Shah,12 yrs,7th grade,Orchard lake middle school,Detroit.Thank u for thinking I am worthy of being ur project.” She also shared the video of the presentation along with it.
This is Shah’s presentation. Watch the video here.
This is not the first time that someone chose the actress as the subject of their assignment.
Recently, a Queensland University student wrote her University paper on the actress and managed to earn her praise too! Did you like her presentation?
Tell us in the comments section below.
Did you like Shah’s presentation? Tell us in the comments section below.
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